
This blog is part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network POEMA.

Let me introduce myself: I am Tobias Metzlaff, doctoral researcher at INRIA Méditerranée, ESR 10 of the POEMA network and M.Sc. graduate from RWTH Aachen University.
The first weeks of my PhD have passed and I feel very welcomed by the fellow researchers of INRIA.
Although from several different fields, we all strive for the same goal: inventer le monde numérique!
Therefore, I am happy to be given the opportunity to be part of both, the European network and the research center's team Aromath.

Together with my supervisor, Evelyne Hubert, we will explore the applications of moment methods to polynomial optimization with techniques from group theory, computational algebra and representation theory.
This topic combines several fields from pure and applied mathematics and I am sure, we will discover new, fascinating results.
Discussions with other researchers are essential for a mathematician, and so I am glad to share an office with the other POEMA ESR at INRIA: Lorenzo Baldi.

I am looking forward to share future research experiences and thoughts here.


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